The Charles M. Bair Family
Museum is our favorite spot
in central Montana. There in
the middle of nowhere lies a
large collection of world class
European antiques, western art,
and Native American artifacts.
Most displayed just as the Bair
family lived with them over
forty plus years. Which often
surprises any visitors who have
preconceived notions of how
westerners truly live their lives.
An abode is a reflection of it's owner's interests. As
also is C+V HOME. At first glance our shop seems
out of context. Upon closer inspection one finds that
it's the curated collection of a native born Montanan
and his wannabe cowboy. Since opening we've been
cultivating fans from a five state radius. But frankly
it's challenging for most locals to understand how
our offerings fit with their lives. What we sell is out
of the ordinary for Montana. However every item
has been carefully chosen to work within modern
western residences. All that any client has to do is
think outside of their box to create a home interior
that is as unique as they are. Anybody can do it...
Decorating within a western
vernacular can quickly turn
into a cliche. Cowboy masters
like Thomas Molescraft took
it to an extreme. The result is
charming within it's context.
However too much of a good
thing creates an environment
more akin to Disneyland than
home sweet home. And unless
you're Roy Rogers, it's rarely
a true reflection of it's owner.
One's home is the physical manifestation of a life
well lived. Some have a "knack" for putting it all
together. Yet some of us are unable to do so. The
idea of purchasing some pre-set "package" off a
show room floor is impersonal at best. Thus the
reason some hire an interior decorator to do the
heavy lifting. In essence these professionals are
"room whisperers" whose sole responsibility is
to insure that it's all about you. Whether you're
a pro or simply doing it yourself - C+V HOME
offers an array of home items as unique as you
yourself. Things not easy found in Montana that
will set you apart from the rest of the cow pokes.
Consider this mid-century Italian
cocktail table. Frank spied it in an
warehouse out east. Yet knew it's
hand forged metal frame of ropes
and tassels would be perfect out
west. Said gilt complex is certain
to add elegance to any bunkhouse.
Better lasso it before it's gone...

415 West Janeaux Street
Lewistown, Montana 59457


Hand forged metal in the form of ropes & tassels.
Thick plate glass top sits upon gilded frame.
Measures 42" diameter x 16" high.


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